To Allen Ginsberg
Washington, DC
Dec. 12, 1956
Dear Allen,
I am in Wash[ington] and everything is fine. Wrote to [Ezra] Pound asking
to see him. Jarrell and family are okay. Sent some poems and Vestal Lady to
[James] Laughlin. I enclose some poems for you and Evergreen [Review] and
[William Carlos] Williams.
I will definitely see you New Year’s; tell me where. Sura [Hope Savage] is
going to Paris the 16th, I will join her at the end of January. I talk to Jarrell
about you. His article in Times will have mostly to do with Frost, Ransom, etc.,
and then at end of article, Wilbur, and me. Good God, Wilbur. Am so happy
WCW [William Carlos Williams] liked my poems, that is, I gather he did, if
he wanted to see more. Have his complete poems here and have been reading
them. Am working hard trying to get book for Ferl [Ferlinghetti) together.
Love to Jack and Peter, Gregory